Room booking

See The Black Diamond's beautiful premises and find the place for your next event.

Chairs in a row

Photo: Laura Stamer

Hold your meetings and conferences in Royal Danish Library's iconic cultural centre The Black Diamond in the middle of Copenhagen. The beautiful and bright rooms exude culture and all have a view of Copenhagen Harbour.

Select room and date / time

Number of participants is required
Date is required
Use format:
Start time is required
Use format: hh: mm
End time is required
Use format: hh: mm
If you have questions, special wishes or requirements for your event, you have the opportunity to elaborate on them.

Contact Information

Name is required
Company / Institution is required
Enter your CVR / EAN number
Enter a phone number

Accept conditions

By using this form, I accept that Royal Danish Library stores and processes the personal information I send to handle the order and contact me. is required
The personal information is deleted or anonymised on an ongoing basis as the purpose for which it was collected is completed. You can withdraw your consent to the storage of your personal data at any time. This can be done by contacting us. Read more in our privacy and personal data policy .