Wiley Agreement 2022-25
Royal Danish Library's national license consortium has entered a four-year agreement with Wiley covering the period 2022 to 2025 on behalf of the Danish universities and other research institutions.

Photo: Colourbox
The agreement is the second of its kind in Denmark, which, like the agreement entered into with Elsevier in 2021, ensures full read access to Wiley's journals and free and immediate access (Open Access) for the whole world to the articles published by researchers at the institutions covered by the agreement.
Main points of the agreement
- There is continued and full reading access to the Wiley Journal Collection for institutions covered by the contract.
- Only researchers affiliated with institutions that are party to the agreement can publish Open Access for free.
- The agreement ensures that researchers (as corresponding author) can publish with immediate Open Access under a Creative Commons license.
- For the agreement with Wiley, there is a national cap of 1110 published OA articles per year.
- If the agreement cap is reached, corresponding authors from covered institutions can obtain a 15% discount on the APC fee for journals covered by the agreement.
- The agreement does not cover publications in Wiley's Gold OA journals.
- The agreement provides post termination access to 100% of the Wiley portfolio (gradually earned if an institution withdraws from the contract during the period, post termination access is earned as follows: 1st-2nd year = 50%, 3rd year = 75%, 4th year = 100%).
Agreement documents
We are happy to send you a copy of the national agreement concluded between Royal Danish Library's national licensing consortium and Wiley. The agreement is in English.
For reasons of confidentiality and GDPR, the document may be redacted.
What do I do as a researcher?
Wiley's Open Access terms for publishing articles follow Wiley's normal publishing process. Upon approval of an accepted article you will as a researcher be guided through conditions for approval of the agreement's Open Access conditions. The first step is to select your institution from the list to confirm your affiliation. Next, you will be presented with the option to publish open access without APC payment, and with a Creative Commons license attached to your article.
Read Wileys guide: Publish open access with Wiley
List of journals
The list of journals
List of journals covered by OA rights in the agreement from Wiley’s site (Open Access agreement for authors at eligible Danish institutions).
Gold Open Access journals are not part of the agreement. When publishing in Gold OA journals, as usual, a publishing fee (APC) will have to be paid to be able to publish your article as Open Access.
- Gold Open Access: publication in Open Access journals.
- Hybrid Open Access: publishing in traditional subscription journals that also offer Open Access for a fee (APC) from the author.
- APC: article processing charge (Open Access publishing fee).
Wiley agreement 2022-2025
- The agreement covers institutions listed below that subscribe to the Wiley journal collection
The agreement does not cover Gold Open Access journals published by Wiley.
List of institutions
Wiley Tidsskrifter | CBS Bibliotek |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Det Administrative Bibliotek |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Det Kgl. Bibliotek, Københavns Universitetsbibliotek Inkl. UHA |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Det Kgl. Bibliotek, Roskilde Universitetsbibliotek |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Det Kgl. Bibliotek, Aarhus Universitetsbibliotek Inkl. UHA |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Det Nationale Forskningscenter For Arbejdsmiljø, Biblioteket |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | DIIS - Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | DTU Bibliotek. Danmarks Tekniske Informationscenter |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | European Environment Agency. Det Europæiske Miljøagentur |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Faroe Research Information Service - FRIS |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Grønlands Naturinstitut |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Københavns Professionshøjskole, Biblioteket |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Lægemiddelstyrelsen, Biblioteket |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Medicinrådet |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Professionshøjskolen Absalon, Biblioteket |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Region Midtjylland |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Region Nordjylland (uden universitetshospital) |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Region Sjælland |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Statens Serum Institut, Biblioteket |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek Inkl. UHA |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | UCL Erhvervsakademi Og Professionshøjskole |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | University College Nordjylland, Biblioteket |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | University College Syddanmark |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | VIA Biblioteker |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | VIVE |
Wiley Tidsskrifter | Aalborg Universitetsbibliotek Inkl. UHA |