Springer Compact license agreement 2023-2026
Royal Danish Library's national licensing consortium has, on behalf of the Danish universities and other research institutions, entered into a four-year agreement with Springer Nature Group

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Royal Danish Library's national licensing consortium, on behalf of the Danish universities and other research institutions, has entered into a four-year agreement with Springer Nature Group for the period 2023 to 2026.
The agreement provides reading access to Springer Compact journals for institutions on the agreement and free and immediate access (Open Access) for the whole world to articles that are published by researchers at the institutions covered by the agreement.
Main points of the agreement:
• Full reading access to Springer Compact journals for the institutions covered by the agreement.
• The agreement covers that publications by researchers employed at the participating institutions can be published in hybrid Springer Compact journals with immediate Open Access (OA) to the published version under a Creative Commons license.
• The agreement covers publication in Springer Compact hybrid journals.
• There is a national cap on the annual number of OA articles published under the agreement, which is set at the current publication level.
Agreement documents
The national license agreement signed by Royal Danish Library national licensing consortium and Springer Nature Group for the period 2023-2026 can be downloaded below.
The agreement is only in English.
For reasons of confidentiality and GDPR, the document may be redacted.
What do I do as a researcher?
As a researcher at an institution covered by the agreement, you can publish your article OA after it has been accepted for publication. See the list of institutions covered by the agreement.
When your article has been accepted for publication, you are guided through the conditions for approval of the agreement's OA conditions. The first step is to select your institution from the list to confirm your affiliation. Next, you will be presented with the option to publish OA without APC payment, and then you must select a Creative Commons license associated with your article.
The following article types are included in the agreement: Original and research articles.
Read the author guide on Springer's website.
Guidelines for Open Access publishing
See guidelines for qualification of OA publication as corresponding author for agreements between publishers and Royal Danish Library [menu on left].
The journal list
On Springer's website you will find the list of journals where you can publish free OA in hybrid journals as part of the Springer Compact agreement.
Gold OA and Nature portfolio journals are not part of the Springer Compact OA publishing agreement.
When publishing in these journals, a publication fee (APC) will typically have to be paid in order to be able to publish your article as Open Access.