Preservation of physical cultural heritage

We offer professional advice and analysis on preservation and conservation of archive and library collections, and we sell acid-free storage boxes in different sizes.

Close-up of book restoration

Photo: Annemette Kuhlmann

Royal Danish Library's conservators and bookbinders work to preserve the library's physical collections and ensure that the works are handled in a way that benefits both users of today and the future.

We are a centre of competence for the preservation of archive and library collections, and we use the latest technologies, methods and standards within the field of preservation. We have expertise in the conservation of, among other things, books, records, graphic art and photography, as well as emergency preparedness, collection preservation, exhibition and storage.

We also offer a range of services to other cultural heritage institutions, business clients and private individuals according to the government's rules for commercial business.

Physical conservation advice

Photo: Annemette Kuhlmann


We offer consultancy regarding the preservation of archive and library collections, for example in relation to handling acute water damage, fire damage, pest or mold infestation, or how to minimize preservation risks. We also advise on optimal storage conditions relating to a specific collection.

Close-up of preservation of older book

Photo: Annemette Kuhlmann


We perform major conservation tasks by appointment, such as conservation of records, books, photographs, graphic art, etc., conservation of insect and fungus-damaged material, and stabilisation and preparation of works prior to digitisation or exhibition.

Microfading study of postcards

Photo: Annemette Kuhlmann

Determination of light sensitivity (Microfading)

When a work is exhibited in light, illustrations and text lose more or less color depending on their light sensitivity, the length of the exhibition and the intensity of the light. If significant bleaching occurs, the work loses part of its aesthetic value and ultimately its information value.

The sensitivity of a color or an ink stroke is difficult to assess, as it is rarely known what it may consist of. Many colors are stable, but there is often a risk that the color is extremely light-sensitive and will be bleached and thus destroyed in a short amount of time.

We have equipment to examine how light-sensitive a work's ink or colors are (microfading). During the examination, a very small area (0.3 mm) is affected by a strong light source while the reflected color is measured. The size of the color change is categorized according to the international standard Blue Wool (BW) .

Multispectral digitization and analysis

Photo: Mogens Bech

Multispectral imaging

Multispectral recordings can provide insight into work processes. For example, if an author has made changes in the form of crossing something out, the technique can bring the hidden information to light. It can also make watermarks visible and significantly improve the readability of documents.

The technique is also used to identify historical pigments and ink types. This means that it can be used to visualise retouches and detect counterfeits.

You're welcome to contact us, if you want to hear more about the options for multispectral imaging and at what price we can provide the service.

Missing media item.

Syrefri arkivæsker

Vi sælger syrefri arkivæsker i høj kvalitet. Æskerne er langtidsholdbare og beskytter mod nedbrydning som følge af håndtering, transport, lys, støv, luftforurening og udsving i luftfugtigheden. Æskerne er grå på ydersiden og hvide på indersiden. Vi fremstiller æskerne på en computerstyret maskine og er leveringsdygtige i forskellige typer af æsker, i standardstørrelser eller efter specialmål.

Ved bestilling af standardæsker skal der som minimum bestilles 25 stk. per ordre. Der er ingen fortrydelsesret på bestilte æsker. Ved større bestillinger kan vi efter aftale levere udstyr til automatisk opmåling af æskestørrelser. 

Price list for our standard boxes

Standard boxes can be entered without any modifications other than size.

  • KS3 - Clam-shell box model for objects with width of 25 mm or more
  • KSM11 - Four-flap folder for objects with width up to 25 mm
  • KS16 - Box in two halves (bottom and lid) for objects with width of 25 mm or more

Box model KS3 and KSM11

Format Height in mm Width in mm Depth in mm Price ex. VAT and delivery
A5 210 148 50 DKK 75
A4 297 210 50 DKK 88
A3 420 297 50 DKK 103
A2 594 420 50 DKK 150

Box model KS16

Format Height in mm Width in mm Depth in mm Price ex. VAT and delivery
A5 210 148 50 DKK 75
A4 297 210 50 DKK 88
A3 420 297 50 DKK 119
A2 594 420 50 DKK 182
Missing media item.


Vi har udviklet et fleksibelt bogvuggesystem til udstilling af bøger. Designet er enkelt og består af en støttende fod i børstet rustfri stål, hvorpå der hægtes en vinge i gennemsigtig akryl. Systemet findes i flere størrelser og typer, som både tager hensyn til bogens åbningsvinkel og vinkling i forhold til beskueren. De enkelte dele kan kombineres på forskellige måder alt efter behov.

Systemet forhandles af Museumstjenesten.