Trade, economy, finance
The licensing service provides a number of products that are particularly relevant for vocational schools. See a selection here.

Photo: Colourbox
Business Source Complete
Business Source Complete is an essential tool for business students. With premium full-text content and peer-reviewed business journals, it covers all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance and more.
Publisher: EBSCO
Updated Spring 2022
Business Source Premier
Business Source Premier features full text and searchable cited references for top journals covering a variety of business disciplines.
Publisher: EBSCO
Updated Spring 2022
Gale in Context: Global issues
Gale In Context: Global Issues supports global awareness and provides a global perspective while tying together a wealth of authoritative content, empowering learners to critically analyse and understand the most important issues of the modern world. Explore issues within government, law, health, science and technology, society and culture, and more. More than 6,000 viewpoint commentaries provide background on significant topics like Food Security, Genocide, Human Rights, and Extreme Weather.
Publisher: Gale-Cengage Learning
Updated Spring 2022
OECD iLibrary
OECD publishes its recommendations, analysis and data on OECD iLibrary to help inform policy makers, researchers and analysts to implement the best possible responses in their countries. OECD iLibrary content provide the foundation for international planning and research projects following solid and reliable standards. Our content helps academics and students of all levels access the latest research and data to support their work and keep up to date with the latest developments in their field.
Publisher: OECD (via Content Online)
Updated Spring 2022
Passport Category Level
Passport covers 210 countries and contains millions of statistics and forecasts (1977-2040), thousands of company profiles, country reports and global briefings on industries, the macroeconomy, sustainability, digitalisation and consumers. We are the primary source of our research, with more than 1500 analysts on-the-ground in 100 countries. Academics rely on our internationally comparable data for course assignments, academic papers and final theses across multiple departments.
Publisher: Euromonitor International
Updated Spring 2022
Statista is one of the world's largest platforms for statistics, market data and research with over 1.5 million data on 80,000 different subjects. The data comes from over 22,500 sources (300-500 new data are uploaded daily) whose provenance is checked. Statista is used by students to find relevant material for assignments and by teachers to prepare lessons. The platform is currently used by over 4,500 academic institutions in the world, in Denmark by CBS and HEG Himmerlands, among others.
Publisher: Statista GmbH
Updated Spring 2022
Tourism is an international growth industry and tourism created more than 171,000 jobs in Denmark in 2019. Therefore, tourism also needs a serious and critical media. investigates trends, new research, development processes and framework conditions in the tourism and experience industry. We tell the good stories from players within tourism, but we also allow ourselves to ask critical questions to the industry's leaders, opinion leaders and politicians. Because the industry, communication and debate develop more and better through factual, objective and investigative journalism.
Publisher: Willmore Group ApS
Updated Spring 2022