How we are organised
We negotiate and administer license agreements for Danish youth education institutions.

Photo: Laura Stamer
Our primary tasks are:
- negotiation and administration of license agreements
- communication about the agreements and professional support
- development of the area together with the sector's partners
- information about Royal Danish Library that is relevant to the area of youth education.
The Youth Education Licensing Committee
We advise on the operation and development of the service. The committee meets twice a year and is made up of representatives from youth education interest organisations.
The committee's terms of reference
UNGLU composition and organisation
The Licensing Committee consists of representatives of the primary areas of youth education; vocational education and upper secondary education, as well as observers from the educational and public library areas, respectively
- 1 representative of the Ministry of Education, appointed by the Ministry
- 1 representative of Danske Gymnasier (DG), appointed by the association
- 1 representative of Danske Erhvervsskoler og –gymnasier (DEG), appointed by the association
- 1 representative of Danske HF og VUC, appointed by the association
- 1 representative of Danske SOSU-skoler, appointed by the association
- 1 representative of FGU Denmark, appointed by the association
- 1 observer for Gymnasie-, Akademi- og Erhvervsskolernes Biblioteksforening (GAEB), appointed by the association
- 1 observer for the public library area, appointed by the Danish Association of Public Library Managers
- 1 observer for the teaching area, appointed by Gymnasielærerforeningen
- 1 representative of Royal Danish Library
The representative of Royal Danish Library holds the post of chairman of the committee.
Purpose and tasks
The licensing committee for youth education is Royal Danish Library's contact and advisory body in relation to the provision of licensing services for youth education. The committee's task is to contribute to the ongoing strategic development of the license service through discussion and advice to Royal Danish Library concerning
- the general needs of youth education in relation to digital knowledge and information resources
- the organisation and prioritisation of the licensing service's negotiations, including the initiation of new and termination of existing supplier collaborations
- dissemination and communication to the institutions about the license service
- use of the annual project funds, earmarked experiments and initiatives for the youth education institutions
Royal Danish Library performs secretarial functions, prepares the agenda, convenes the committee's meetings, acts as meeting leader and takes minutes of decisions.
Meeting activity
The committee holds two ordinary meetings annually in January and September respectively. Extraordinary meetings may occur. The committee's meetings will preferably be held virtually.
Committee members
- Liz Nymann Lausten, head of office, Agency for Education and Quality.
Appointed by the Ministry of Education.
- Jenny Bøving Arendt, head of secretariat, Danske Gymnasier.
Appointed by Danske Gymnasier (DG).
- Jesper Nielsen, director, Danske Erhvervsskoler og -gymnasier.
Appointed by Danske Erhvervsskoler og -gymnasier (DEG).
- [Vacant]
Appointed by Danske HF og VUC.
- Michael Esmann, head of secretariat, Danske SOSU-skoler.
Appointed by Danske SOSU-skoler.
- Lisa Goth, head of secretariat, FGU Denmark.
Appointed by Danske SOSU-skoler.
- Kira Hansen, deputy director, Royal Danish Library. (UNGLU chairman).
Appointed by Royal Danish Library.
- Eric Hofmeister, chief consultant, Royal Danish Library.
Appointed by Royal Danish Library.
- Hanne Tingleff, librarian, Frederiksborg Gymnasium Og HF
Appointed by Gymnasie-, Akademi- og Erhvervsskolernes Biblioteks-forening (GAEB).
- Pernille Schalt, library manager, Herning public libraries.
Appointed by the Danish Association of Public Library Managers.
- Morten Bayer, consultant, Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening.
Appointed by the Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening.